TRAINING (2.4.1)
Mitglied der SCNAT

Die Fachgesellschaft fördert und unterstützt die Interessen der Pharmakologie und Toxikologie in der Schweiz. Sie organisiert wissenschaftliche Tagungen und vertritt ihre Mitglieder in den nationalen Verbänden.

Bild: Naturmotive –

Scientific Activities

  • Organization of scientific meetings of general interest for the member societies
  • Orientation of the members of upcoming events of pharmacological and toxicological interest
  • Contact with LS2, SCNAT
  • Active participation in annual meetings of Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2)


  • Travel grants for young scientists supporting travel to scientific meetings: Regulations (download from here); Application form (download from here) (whenever possible please send your application electronically)
  • Travel grants for post-graduates in Biomedical Sciences in training: Regulations (download from here); Application form (download from here)(whenever possible please send your application electronically)